When we want an Insurance, we often don't know whether to contract it through an Insurance Brokerage or directly negotiate it with an Insurance agent from the insurance company. However, the difference between the two options is fundamental, not only in the budget of one and the other, but also when using our insurance policy. In this article we help you differentiate Insurance Brokers from Insurance Agents and what advantages it has to have a good Insurance Advisor.
Euroteide Insurance is an Insurance Advisory in the south of Tenerife that, with more than 24 years of experience in the sector, that knows how to offer the best insurance policies to its clients, committed to integrity, service, and professional knowledge. Regardless of whether you are looking for a Car insurance, Home insurance, or Life insurance, Euroteide Insurance will know how to find the Insurance that best suits your needs and requirements. Antonio the manager is characterized by being an excellent, very diligent professional. Contact him if you need to.
Know the differences between a Broker and Insurance Agent
What is an Insurance Broker
An Insurance broker is a intermediary between the insurance companies and the client, so that he is not exclusively linked to any insurance company that is, he performs the mediation of Insurance independently.
Being independent, the Insurance broker makes a impartial, professional and objective advice, offering the client a recommendation on the Insurance that best adapts to his needs and requirements, adhering only to strictly professional criteria. Also, the Insurance Broker will always provide assistance, advice and information to the client, not only during the process of searching and selecting the best policy for Insurance, but also in case of loss.
The Insurance broker is obliged to carry out an objective and sufficient analysis, so that, at least, he must study and evaluate three proposals from different companies of insurance depending on the needs of the client. Once the proposals have been evaluated, the insurance broker must conveniently inform of the conditions of each one of the Insurance policies that he will offer to the client and of the coverage that each Insurance company offers.
What is an Insurance Agent
An Insurance agent is a mediator between the client and a single insurance company, since he is linked to one or more insurance entities through an agency contract for insurance. So, like the Insurance broker, the agent of insurance must study and assess the proposals of the insurance company or entities to which he is linked and present them to the client. Also, must he provide assistance to his clients in the event of claims.
Types of Insurance Agents
Depending on the nature of the relationship with the insurance company, Insurance Agents may be exclusive or linked. Next, we will detail the characteristics of both types of Insurance agent.
Exclusive insurance agent
The Exclusive Insurance Agents are those who are exclusively linked to an insurance company, to which they are attached by an agency contract for Insurance by virtue of which they undertake with the insurer to carry out the mediation of Insurance. In addition, Exclusive Insurance Agents are registered in the Special Administrative Register of Insurance Mediators, Reinsurance brokers and their senior positions.
The Insurance Agents must have the necessary knowledge to carry out the Insurance mediation activity. In any case, it must be the company of Insurance the one that verifies, before the conclusion of the agency contract for Insurance, that the agent of Insurance meets all the requirements established in the Law to carry out this activity.
Being a relationship the Agent of insurance -Exclusive insurance company, the Insurance agent can only enter into other contracts with other insurance entities, when the insurance company with which he has signed the contract authorizes it. Furthermore, this will only be possible when the new agency contract for insurance either is to operate in certain insurance or risks in which he does not operate with the insurance company with which he already had a contract.
Associated agent
The Linked Insurance Agents are those who are linked through an insurance agency contract with various insurance entities, so that they are not exclusively linked to only one company of Insurance, which gives them more independence. As with the exclusive agents of Insurance, the linked agents must be enrolled in the Special Administrative Registry of Insurance Mediators, Reinsurance brokers and their senior positions.
To be able to practice as a Linked Agent of Insurance, the law establishes that they must have legal capacity to exercise commerce and have passed the training course in finance and Insurance deprived of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds. In the case of entities that exercise as Linked Insurance agent , they must be mercantile companies or cooperatives registered in the Mercantile Registry.
What are the advantages of having a good Insurance Advisor
Insurance consultancies are formed by a group of experts in the Insurance sector who act as independent intermediaries between the client and the insurer. As they are not linked to any company, they will be able to assess which are the best policies in a totally objective way, offering the client the Insurance policy that best suits their needs. Thus, contrary to what happens with Insurance Agents that only offer their clients Insurance marketed by the insurance companies that have contracted them, the Insurance Advisors will offer their clients the best insurance, regardless of the company of Insurance who commercialises it.
Thus, Insurance Consultancies think about the client and their needs, searching and finding the best Insurance for each client. Without a doubt, the best option is to contract an insurance consultancy to find the insurance that is 100% adapted to the specific needs we have.
There are many advantages to be gained from the Insurance Consultancies over the Insurance Agents. Are you looking for a good Insurance Consultancy in Tenerife? Euroteide Insurance is a Insurance Consultancy that operates in the south of Tenerife and the entire Canary archipelago with more than 24 years of experience in the Insurance sector. Professionalism, reliability and commitment are the hallmarks of this Canarian Insurance consultancy with vast experience in the analysis of the best Insurance for each type of client, adapting the Insurance to the needs of each one.