What does the Vehicle Insurance for the Self-Employed have to offer?
Third party insurance
Adapt it to your needs
With the third party car insurancesuggested and recommended by Euroteide Insurance (Insurance Brokers and Consultants) you decide on the level of security protection the protection you want for your car, enjoying the best services and personalized attention with the quality that you deserve, provided by your Insurance Advisors. You will be able to choose between several modalities that include from the most basic insurance coverage, third parties, windscreen and side windows, theft and fire, so that you are always happy and safe at the wheel.
Examples of Rates
90 hp (2013)
Optimal Third Party Insurance from € 199
Third Party CO Insurance: from € 209
Full Risk Insurance: from € 320
Excess € 150
1.5DCI 110CV (2013)
Optimal Third Party Insurance from € 205
Third Party CO Insurance: from € 225
Full Risk Insurance: from € 372
Excess € 150
1,6 DCI 130CV (2015)
Optimal Third Party Insurance from € 220
Third Party CO Insurance: from € 264
Full Risk Insurance: from € 362
Excess € 250
ECO BOOST 100CV (2018)
Optimal Third Party Insurance from € 157
Third Party CO Insurance: from € 194
Full Risk Insurance: from € 295
Excess € 250
130hp (2016)
Optimal Third Party Insurance from € 362
MS 1.6 90 hp (2010)
Optimal Third Party Insurance from € 250
FGN 1.9D 71 HP (2005)
Optimal Third Party Insurance from € 229
What does the Comprehensive Insurance have to offer?
With the fully comprehensive car insurance suggested and recommended by Euroteide Insurance (Insurance Brokers and Consultants) we offer you a very comprehensive and adaptable Insurance that allows you to choose the level of coverage and protection you are looking for for your vehicle. It has the best coverage so that you always enjoy your car like the first day and an exclusive service with advantages, such as the free courtesy vehicle.
Main Coverages
Damage to your vehicle
With this coverage your car will be protected against damage caused by different circumstances such as a collision with another vehicle, animal or object; by external elements such as atmospheric phenomena or land subsidence, collapsing bridges or roads; or for vandalism or malicious acts caused by third parties.
You can extend this warranty to include damage caused to luggage, child restraint systems or driving on unsuitable roads.
In any case, you have the possibility of contracting the coverage with or without franchise.
Windscreens, fire and theft
We guarantee the repair or replacement of the windscreen and windows of your vehicle due to partial or total breakage, including the sunroof and special windows (such as tinted, screen printed or heat reflective).
In the event of a fire or explosion, the material damages suffered by your car will be covered, as well as the insured accessories, whether the vehicle is moving or not.
In addition, you will be protected if they try to steal your vehicle and cause damage, for example, to a lock, as well as if they manage to take any of the secured accessories. And if finally your car is stolen and does not appear, we will compensate you based on its value. In case of finding damages, we will repair them.
Travel assistance from km. 0
This comprehensive insurance includes travel assistance during your travels in Spain and abroad, with exclusive services in the event of an accident or breakdown.
Assistance for your vehicle: whether you need a road repair to continue your trip, or if you need a pick-up service to take your car to the workshop, we offer you quick attention 24 hours a day.
This warranty includes such interesting services as punctured tyre change, fuel shipment or spare parts shipment when it is not possible to find them at the place of occurrence.
In all cases, both you and the rest of the occupants will be assisted, since you will be transferred to your home or lodged in a hotel depending on the duration of the repair.
Assistance to people: whenever you are traveling you will be protected by your Fully-Comprehensive Insurance, with coverages such as transport or repatriation of the wounded or sick so that they can return home, including possible companions. If you travel outside the country, we will help you with the search for luggage in case of loss, as well as unforeseen expenses that may arise, in case you need healthcare or legal defense.
Civil liability, legal defense and damage claim
This Insurance includes the coverage of the indemnities derived from the obligatory civil liability established by Law, as a consequence of the material and personal damages caused to third parties with the insured vehicle.
Additionally, it includes the voluntary civil liability coverage, with which, if the compensation exceeds the maximum limit legally established in the compulsory civil liability coverage, we provide you with an additional capital that can reach up to € 50 million .
We protect you, with the legal defence coverage required in legal processes and claims for damages as a result of a traffic accident that occurred with the insured vehicle.
This fully comprehensive car insurance covers the payment of the corresponding compensation as a consequence of personal damages suffered by both the insured driver and the occupants of the vehicle, in addition to covering the demise, disability and health care assistance needed.
Optional coverage
The comprehensive insurance suggested and recommended by Euroteide Seguros (Insurance Advisors) is so flexible that you can contract it by modules or in a scalable way, so that you can enjoy a unique car insurance that boasts following options, in addition to those already seen in the main coverages:
- Telephone legal assistance: for topics related to your car, your home, your family or work.
- Replacement vehicle: you will be able to choose between the basic modality in which you will have a vehicle in case of breakdown or accident for a maximum of 7 days, or 30 days in the extended option.
- Management Service: we offer you the services and cover the costs if you need to obtain a duplicate of the vehicle documents in the event of an accident; we also help you with procedures such as the sale, purchase or deregistration of the vehicle.
- The best advice: We help you with important aspects such as psychological assistance after an accident, personal assistance or telephone mechanical advice service with information on maintenance or mechanical queries.
By adjusting your chosen solution, you will get it right
*** Optional coverage depending on the Insurance Company and the modality of the services contracted.
Would you like to learn more? Call us!
Discover the advantages of the courtesy vehicle service
- Free pickup and delivery
- Expert opinion and preferential repair
- Free courtesy vehicle
- General vehicle check-up
- Free cleaning
- Repair warranty for 3 years
- Discounts on the franchise of all risk policies
- Maintenance of the own damage bonus
*** Depending on the Insurance company, some or all related services are offered.
You will surely be satisfied with the solutions that we offer you
What does the Insurance offer you?
The Insurance for Agricultural vehicles is designed to guarantee the coverage of both agricultural machinery and tractors and people. This Insurance is also characterized by additional guarantees that allow adapting the Insurance contract to the specific needs of each business.
Main Coverages
Civil liability, legal defense and damage claim
The Insurance for agricultural machinery and tractors guarantees you the coverage of the compensations derived from the compulsory civil liability required by law, and for material and personal damages caused to third parties as a direct consequence of traffic events involving the insured vehicle.
The Insurance also includes the coverage of the voluntary civil liability, so that, if the compensation exceeds the maximum limit legally established in the compulsory civil liability coverage, we provide you with an additional capital that can reach up to € 50 million.
It also covers the legal defense, required in legal and claim for damages to the insured drivers of your business, who are involved in a claim as a result of a traffic accident, occurred with the insured vehicle.
Lawyers, judicial and criminal bail expenses
This guarantee covers the legal expenses derived from an accident, with a limit of 1.500 euros for the hiring of external lawyers and 6.000 euros in the event that the hiring of lawyers is carried out through Plus Ultra Seguros.
Claim for damages caused by a third party
The Agricultural Vehicle Insurance offers you the coverage of the claims of the damages suffered by the drivers and occupants of your insured vehicles derived from a traffic accident.
Advance of the compensation
We make your daily work in the fields easy. With the Agricultural Vehicle Insurance you will be able to receive an advance of the compensation for the damages that the drivers have suffered as a consequence of an accident.
Management and processing complaints and administrative appeals
This coverage implies that we take care of the management and processing of fines and discharges as a consequence of violations of the Traffic Law infringed by the drivers of your insured vehicles.
Complementary coverage
- Travel assistance
It guarantees roadside assistance in case of breakdown, loss or theft during the operation of your agricultural vehicles insured by Spain and abroad.
- Personal accidents
This optional coverage covers the demise, permanent disability and healthcare assistance of the insured drivers of your business, as well as their companions
- Damages to self
With this optional guarantee we offer you coverage for damages caused to your agricultural machinery and tractors as a result of a traffic accident or in the field. Your hiring is available with and without franchise.
- License withdrawal
The coverage of this optional guarantee offers you a monthly economic benefit of up to 12 months in the event of the withdrawal of the driving license of any of your insured drivers.
- Windscreens
The protection offered by this optional guarantee covers the repair of the windscreen and windows of all your agricultural machinery and your insured tractors.
- Theft
This additional coverage offers you compensation in the event of theft of your agricultural machinery and tractors and of the accessories that were inside them at the time of the theft.
- Fire Protection
We cover you against the damages suffered by your agricultural machinery and by your insured tractors as a consequence of a fire. The coverage also includes the damage suffered by the accessories that were inside it at the time of the fire.
Who is the Vehicle, Van, or Agricultural Insurance intended for?
The car insurances areaimed at all vehicle drivers, since its essential coverage meets the requirements set by law and offers you an extension of the same in relation to civil liability.
Agricultural Vehicle Insurance is aimed at both companies and professionals who want to insure the vehicles they use on their farms. These vehicles are usually tractors, farm machinery, heavy trucks, or vans.
Why do I need this Insurance for my farm?
This agricultural vehicle insurance guarantees you coverage of the expenses derived from an accident. In this way you can minimize the impact that events of this type generate on the performance and exercise of your agricultural activity.
What if I don't have the compulsory Insurance?
Compulsory insurance is essential when driving with your vehicle. Lacking compulsory insurance is considered an offense by the General Directorate of Traffic and, in the event of an accident, the driver is exposed to legal claims that can be very high in the event of personal injury to third parties.
Penalties for driving without compulsory insurance can amount to € 1.000 and are accompanied by the withdrawal of the driving license and / or the corresponding loss of points. In addition, the police could seize the uninsured vehicle if they deemed it appropriate.
Is it possible to extend my Insurance?
Yes, to complete your vehicle insurance we offer you a series of additional modalities and guarantees that allow you to take out insurance to suit you. For more information on the extensible options that you have, and to choose the modality that interests you the most: Third parties, Third parties plus windows or Extended third parties, or fully-comprehensive insurance.
Car insurance: with or without franchise?
In case of being responsible for the incident, the franchise applies to the damages caused to self, but it can also be applied to other coverages such as fire, theft or windows. This modality allows you to contract a product a fully-comprehesive coverage at a lower price.
These amounts, which can range from 100 to 1.200 euros, allow the insured, in the event of a claim with a high repair cost, to pay just the franchise and not the total amount of the repair.
What should I do in the event of a claim?
Communicate it to the Company as soon as possible and within seven days of the event. In this way we can carry out the necessary procedures efficiently.
You can communicate your claim
- Through Euroteide Seguros (Insurance Brokers and Consultants) who will inform you of the process and will handle all the procedures.
- In the 24-hour telephone service office of each Insurance company.
- It is very important that you send us all the notifications you receive, as well as the Friendly accident settlement, Yes, there is. In the event that your car has been stolen, you must report the facts immediately to the authority.
- The main data that you must collect in the event of an accident are:
- Date, time and place of occurrence.
- Data of drivers, insurance companies and vehicles involved (license plates).
- Name and contact telephone number of possible witnesses or injured.
Do you have more questions about this insurance policy?
We call you to inform you and arrange an appointment in order to study your characteristics and to be able to offer you the Insurance with the coverages that you need. Office hours: From 9:00 Hrs. at 13:30 p.m. From 15:30 Hrs. at 18:30 Hrs.