Social awareness about pet ownership and care has changed a lot in our country in recent years. The data speaks for itself: according to official statistics, in our country there are 9,3 million dogs in homes, a figure that has increased by almost 40% in the last three years.
Without a doubt, we are facing a social change that has had its impact in the legal field with the Animal Welfare Law, a new text that especially protects dogs and also establishes a series of requirements for their adoption and ownership.
The imminent entry into force of this law has created enormous confusion among our pet owner clients, who contact the office of Euroteide Insurance to Be well informed of all the requirements that you must assume from now on.
Whether or not to have a pet insurance, do a training course, the new classification of potentially dangerous dogs... There are many points that the regulations touch on and that have made our clients seek the help of our team, with more than 27 years of experience advising on different types of policies.
What is the Animal Welfare Law
Known as the LBA, The new Animal Welfare Law is a text that regulates the protection of the rights and well-being of animals, as well as the way in which they must be integrated, by their families, into living spaces such as towns and cities.
Approved by the Congress of Deputies on March 16, 2023, these main objectives are specified in the promotion of responsible possession and coexistence, the fight against abuse and the promotion of adoption over purchase, among other series of measures.
When will it come into force
Once approved, the Animal Welfare Law for dogs, cats and other pets enters into force on September 29, 2023, although, as usual, many of the measures will have a progressive implementation process.
Thus, dog owners will have a considerable period of time to adapt their situation to the parameters established by this standard.
However, It is not advisable to not worry for the moment, since this animal protection law includes some obligations that must be responded to as soon as possible, to avoid sanctions, costly fines or even the withdrawal of custody of the pet in the most serious cases.
Fundamental aspects of the Animal Welfare Law
There are many key points of this law that clients of Euroteide Insurance They should attend. Our team of Insurance advisors has studied the official text to identify a series of fundamental aspects of the Animal Welfare Law which should be addressed as soon as possible if you have one or more furry dogs at home.
Obligatory civil liability insurance
Present in some autonomous communities, the LBA includes the obligation for every dog owner to have civil liability insurance associated with the animal.
The objective is that adopters have a policy that covers any damage or damage to humans or animals that the pet may cause to third parties. In other words, the Insurance company would be responsible for material damage or bodily injury to another person.
Liability insurance will be mandatory for all dogs, regardless of breed, and must be contracted annually during all the years of the animal's life.
Pre-adoption training
One of the main ideas of the law is that pets are sentient beings and, therefore, minimal sensitivity and knowledge is required on the part of the adopters to care for them.
That is why The LBA will require new owners to take a dog ownership training course. It will be a free procedure, but necessary before adopting or acquiring a dog and will include all types of learning related to its care, veterinary check-ups, regulations for traveling with them, etc.
Dog well-being at home
What happens inside the houses will also be controlled by law in a more exhaustive way. No pet may be left permanently and continuously on terraces, balconies, garages, basements or vehicles.
In addition, The Animal Welfare Law prohibits a dog from being left alone for 24 hours, and no animal may be left unsupervised for more than three consecutive days.
Punishment for abandonment
One of the main demands of animal protectors and activists in recent years is related to punishment for abandonment. According to these groups, In Spain, abandoning a dog, cat or other pet is practically free.
The new law toughens sanctions with fines of between 10 and 000 euros. On the other hand, the person whose abandonment of their pet is certified will become part of a registry to avoid future acquisitions or adoptions.
Zero sacrifice tendency
The objective of the LBA is that animal sacrifice is reduced to specific cases where it is duly justified.
Starting September 29, The circumstances where sacrifice is committed will be specific, and always related to the health status of the animal, or for reasons of safety for people, other animals or the existence of risks to public health.
Control of sales and breeding
The sale and breeding of animals is also regulated with greater care in this new standard. On the one hand, Pets cannot be displayed in stores and sales cannot be made online. Those who risk this are exposed to fines that can reach up to 30.000 euros.
Regarding breeding, the objective of the standard is to regulate the work of those dedicated to this activity: it can only be a professional work accredited by the General Directorate of Animal Rights. In principle, Breeding and sale at a private level cannot be encouraged.
These are just some of the rules, limitations and obligations of the new Animal Welfare Law, that owners have to assume in order to have pets at home without any problem.
At Euroteide Seguros we are already advising dozens of clients to obtain the best policy for their dogs and cats.. If this is your case, you can contact with our team to find the insurance company that best suits your needs in price and coverage so that having a pet does not expose you to fines for breaking the law. The pet's happiness is its well-being, which is ultimately yours.