Having a child is undoubtedly one of the most important and enriching experiences in the lives of those women who decide to become mothers. In fact, pregnancy is one of the biggest concerns for women and one of the most important reasons why they decide to take out medical insurance. However, medical insurance for pregnant women have some peculiarities that must be taken into account when signing them.
In any case, the best option to make the right choice for health insurance is to put ourselves in the hands of true professionals. Euroteide Insurance is an Insurance consultancy that operates in the southern area of Tenerife and that, with more than 25 years of experience in the Insurance sector, will be able to guide you in hiring not only a Health Insurance, but also from other products like a Car insurance or Funeral insurance.
Can I take out medical insurance while pregnant?
The answer is yes, it is perfectly possible to take out health insurance while pregnant, but different factors have to be taken into account. Thus, in principle there is no limitation whatsoever for contracting health insurance while pregnant. However, it turns out quite common for insurance to provide a grace period of between 8 to 10 months for delivery from the date of contracting the Insurance policy. Thus, a certain period of time must elapse between the insurance policy coming into force and the insurance coverage in question can be used.
Although it is very common for there to be a grace period for health insurance for pregnant women, the truth is that there are certain situations in which insurance companies can eliminate this period of time. Thus, according to Article 103 of the Insurance Contract Law, obliges Insurance companies to eliminate the grace period in case of emergency assistance; that is, and according to the criteria of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds, those situations in which, if medical assistance is not provided immediately, the life, integrity or permanent health of the patient would be seriously endangered . Further, The waiting period will also be canceled in the event of premature birth.
In any case, the advantages of contracting health insurance while pregnant are many, provided that it is taken into account that if the insurance policy is contracted when the woman is four weeks pregnant or more, she may not have access to the health insurance coverage.
Health Insurance coverage for pregnant women
Although the insurance coverage will depend on the policy contracted, the truth is that it is usual for main coverage of the Medical Insurance for pregnant women are the following:
- Weekly evolution of pregnancy.
- High resolution ultrasound in the twentieth week of gestation.
- Medical assistance to the newborn during admission in hospital as a result of delivery.
- Visits to the gynecologist and obstetrician.
- Three-dimensional ultrasound.
- Preparation classes for childbirth.
- Medical assistance in childbirth.
- Performing a non-invasive prenatal test.
- Online medical assistance to clear up any doubts that the mother may have during pregnancy.
- Hospitalization of the pregnant woman and newborn.
These are the main coverages, although there are also others additional coverage that, although they are less common than the previous ones, it is also easy to find them in many health insurance for pregnant women. They are as follows:
- Four-dimensional ultrasound.
- Incubator for the newborn in case of need.
- Conservation of newborn umbilical cord stem cells
- Early amniocentesis for pregnancies that are at risk.
- Epidural anesthesia for the pregnant woman who requests it.
- Single room.
- Perform a blood test on the mother to know the sex of the baby.
What are the advantages of health insurance for pregnant women
The Advantages of Health Insurance for Pregnant Women There are many, so it is not surprising that there are many women who, in the face of their pregnancy and, especially, the future delivery, decide to take out one of these policies. Let's see what are the advantages of this type of Insurance:
- The comfort and tranquility that comes with having a single room with a bed for the companion. Without a doubt, childbirth is a time that requires intimacy and tranquility for the mother.
- Waiting times are much shorter than in Public Health.
- Access to high definition ultrasounds.
- The baby will receive neonatal care and, in addition, will be included in the insurance policy until the age of 14. In this way, the child will enjoy the medical services that the insured mother enjoys.
- Possibility of choosing the medical professionals (gynecologists and obstetricians, among others) that we want to assist us during pregnancy and delivery.
- Personalized delivery. This means that it is the mother who will decide at all times how she wants her delivery to be. However, we should not make a mistake, since insurance companies do not usually include water birth, home birth and other alternative births among the coverage of this policy. In any case, it does guarantee that the woman can choose between a birth in the lithotomy position or in the standing position, allowing a much more natural birth.
Undoubtedly, there are many pregnant women who, seeking a pregnancy as calm as possible, choose to take out Health Insurance for pregnant women. To do this, it is best to contact a good insurance advisory, such is the case of Euroteide Insurance.
Euroteide Seguros is an insurance consultancy that, located in the south of Tenerife, will put at your disposal its more than 25 years of experience in the sector to find the right Medical insurance for pregnant women that best suits your needs and requirements. However, not only can they help you find the best health insurance, you can also find many other insurance such as Home insurance, Life insurance or Car insurance, among many others.
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