In recent years, drones have become much more accessible, as more and more people are interested in using this technology. Obviously there are different types of drones so its applications are diverse. But it is good to know that in January of this year 2021 a new regulation entered that affects its use. In the event that your model exceeds 250 grams in weight, it must have Liability insurance.
Eureteide Insurance is an insurance consultancy, located in the south of Tenerife and with more than 25 years of experience in the sector, which offers the client any product that suits their needs. For example, contracting a policy for drones includes among its covers damages caused to a third person, both by action and by omission, as set forth in article 1.902 of the Civil Code.
Types of drones and their applications
What drones and types are there? o What are drones used for? These are just some of the questions that a large majority ask. We are in a market that offers a great variety depending on whether the wing is rotary or fixed, the size and the use. In recent times its uses have extended to industry, agriculture, livestock, audiovisual filming, etc.
Types of drones according to the motor and propeller
We are going to differentiate the drone models based on the number of cameras that they have incorporated, on which the type of motor, and the propeller.
Fixed wing drones
These aerial vehicles resemble a conventional airplane. They cannot fly at a fixed height, nor can they take off or land vertically.
Rotary wing drones
If these devices are characterized by something, it is because they have a single propeller and are much more versatile. In this case, they can take off and land vertically. The multi-engine is the most common, but these drones have their classification too:
- tripcopter. In this case it has three motors located at the ends.
- Quadcopter. This drone includes four motors, two of which move clockwise, and another two, counterclockwise.
- Hexacopter. As the name implies, this device has six motors. The main difference from the previous model is that it has more power to rise.
- Octocopter. In this case, we mean eight engines for eight propellers. It is a much more stable drone than the previous ones.
Types of drones according to their activity
If we talk about drones and their applications we must differentiate between the use civil y military. In the latter case, this technology is very useful for rescue and surveillance.
But, if we focus on the civil sphere, the applications are much more diverse, because they can be used in the agricultural sector, rancher, audiovisual, la construction o to maximise security and your enjoyment. y emergencies, playtime, among others.
Nor can we rule out the industrial use, in this case, the drones incorporate a radiometric thermographic camera that allows identifying thermal bridges and performing predictive and preventive maintenance.
However, its application in the field of security and emergencies has been very beneficial. They incorporate thermal imaging cameras that help locate people who have lost their way.
Types of drones according to size
As we see, there are drones and models for every taste. However, depending on its size, we can make this distinction:
- The nanodrons They are the smallest on the market, some even resemble the size of an insect.
- The mini drones they are somewhat larger, but do not exceed two meters.
- Medium and large drones. In the latter case they are used for surveillance and usually have military use.
Types of drones according to scope
Another key aspect is the flight range o distance that these vehicles can cover. For this reason, these details must be taken into account:
- Close range drones (5 km).
- Close Range Drones (up to 50 km).
- Short range drones (up to 150 km).
- Mid-range drones (up to 650 km).
Regulations for the use of drones in Spain
La drone regulations in Spain 2020 is regulated by the State Agency for Aviation Safety (AESA). Specifically, on December 15, 2017, the new regulations were published in the Official State Gazette (BOE). This is the new regulatory framework that regulates drone flight license, attending to their classification as unmanned aerial vehicles.
In this sense, it should be noted that the regulations for the use of drones in Spain It only obliges people who carry out a professional activity with drones to acquire the pilot license. The new regulation has introduced changes, which, until now, were not allowed:
- Flights in urban areas and where there are crowds of people must be carried out at a height of 20 meters and with drones weighing less than 250 grams.
- Night flights can be made if they do not exceed 50 meters in altitude.
- Flights can be made out of visual range for MTOW drones weighing more than 2 Kg.
- Flights in the airspace must always be controlled.
What is needed to fly a drone in Spain
If you wonder how to fly a drone, we can say that most are driven by propellers in a vertical position, which are managed with a flight controller. This is in charge of deciphering the orders of the radio station to control all movements.
If a person is a beginner, and has never flown this type of aircraft before, it is best to start with an affordable model to practice and improve their skills. However, there may be people who bump into walls, trees or do not know how to use them correctly.
When a crash arises it's time to wonder what are drones made of to withstand the blows. In this sense, we must highlight the use of carbon fiber and plastic materials that give them their lightness.
Obviously, to avoid greater evils or if damage is caused to third parties, it is best to have the drone insured with a Liability insurance. In this case, Euroteide Insurance in Tenerife It is one of the best alternatives, if we take into account that, on the islands, there is a great hobby.
This insurance consultancy has a fully qualified staff that will give you their best help. In addition, it sells from health insurance to policies that cover the needs of the self-employed. For this reason, having a professional company in this sector is the best guarantee and protection, because you will know what type of policy is the most appropriate for the client based on their budget and needs. Do not doubt request information without obligation if you need advice and hire some of our products!