At Euroteide Insurance (Insurance Advisors) we know that the passing and loss of a loved one is something that knocks us out and is one of the most difficult situations to assimilate and overcome. Our loved one did not die in vain, and the love and affection that we have for the deceased person will produce pain and sadness and is a process that is going to be difficult and traumatic. Overcoming the death of a family member, a friend or even a close relative or acquaintance is a painful soul exercise that comes to all of us at some point.
The grieving process
Pain is a reaction that we all feel when we lose a loved one , but we must also understand that it is part of what is called mourning, which is the process of overcoming the loss of the person who died. Grief is a necessary and very healthy process whose purpose seeks to comfort us, by making us accept the loss in spite of all the hardship and what it entails, and find ways to adapt and think about what our loved one would have wanted.
Overcoming great pain, anguish, trauma and hardship of loss does not mean that one forgets about the person who died. Healthy grief consists of finding a way to remember the loved one and adapt to our life without his presence. Depending on people we usually experience painful reactions that come and go. Also, when the loss is very recent, the pain and anguish are very intense, almost unbearable. But it is also true that some people don't feel that pain right away. They feel rather paralyzed, in shock or denial of what happened, though they do not admit it. It may always take more or less time to accept the reality, that the loved one is gone.
Having a good Funeral insurance will help us in this unique moment. It is highly recommended to have this insurance as it will provide us with a series of procedures that in those moments due to the circumstances we are going through would make the process even more difficult and traumatic. This type of very simple Insurance helps you a lot with very little and includes guarantees for a normal life process. We propose you some ideas so that overcoming this process and recovering is somewhat easier for you.
Resilience: our partner and ally
We must emphasize and highlight the capacity of resilience of the human being, each one of us. Although everything depends on each individual, and will be more or less high, with time and in the long run it will help you "digest" the death of a loved one. It takes time, but little by little you should be able to continue your life normally. It is important that we have patience and allow ourselves to be helped by people close to us. Sooner or later you will float back and your life will get back on track.
Guidelines and instructions to overcome the death of a family member, spouse or friend:
- Never hide your feelings: cry, speak, meditate or write with or for others. Most of the time the key is found, in the unconditional support from your family and friends. They can help you to overcome the emptiness left by the passing of your family member, spouse or friend.
- Don't avoid your circumstances as if nothing has happened. Admit that you're sad, more irascible or more tired, you don't have to be brave to overcome the situation. Overcoming is about acknowledging that you really feel bad.
- Accept your feelings. After the passing of someone close, all kinds of emotions can be felt. It is normal to feel sadness, anger, frustration and even exhaustion.
- Let others help and take care of you, and take care of them: eat, rest and try to exercise, make sure to go to bed tired so that it costs you less to fall asleep. Try to contact your friends and do activities with them.
- Talking about the deceased person will do you good. Never refuse to do it. Think about the happy times you shared, comment, explain things and start remembering him/her at his/her best. Forget the bad times, the last times if they have been especially hard ... stay with the positive image of whom you miss so much.
- Look for the company of others , people who have been through a similar situation who also want to overcome the death of your relative. Between all of you you will surely help each other to overcome the emptiness.
- Remember and celebrate the life of your loved one. You can do things that the two of you did together, repeat a trip, walk through the places you walked with the deceased, frame photos of happy moments that you lived together, give his/her name to a new baby or plant a garden in his/her memory. The choice is yours - only you know the most meaningful way to honour that unique relationship.
- Remember and don't forget that you're not alone, a Euroteide Insurance (Insurance Advisors), we have experience and we know what it costs to overcome this type of circumstance. Through the different types of Funeral Insurance that we offer youwe provide you with all the guidance you need to get through this difficult time. Have courage, you can overcome it!
Psychologists can always help you
- If you see that your self-esteem does not improve and you notice that you're still sunk and that you can't get your life together by starting over completely within a year, do not self-medicate yourself. Perhaps the time has come to consult a mental health professional.
Psychologists are prepared and have a solid training that allows them to understand people and manage or guide in the most productive way the pain, fear, guilt or anxiety that may come as a result of the death of a loved one. If you need help to overcome and deal with your grief or manage the loss of someone close to you, consult a psychologist or other qualified mental health professional. The Funeral insurance policies suggested and recommended by Euroteide Insurance (Insurance advisers) include psychological assistance.
The supports of a psychologist could help you feel more calm and in peace, develop resilience and find ways and strategies to overcome sadness. Psychologists have at their disposal a variety of evidence-based treatments - commonly psychotherapy - that will help people improve these moments and also their lives. They are prepared and have academic and doctoral degrees and are among the best prepared health professionals for these types of situations that are caused by the death of loved ones.