En Euroteide Insurance We know well that the main reason for taking out Insurance is to invest in peace of mind against possible unforeseen events, as well as to guarantee your family a decent standard of living in the event that something happens to the insured. In addition to that, a good Insurance offers us coverage and advice when dealing with those necessary procedures after the death of a relative. Let's see what these procedures are, how they should be addressed and the advantages of having our advice.
burial expenses
The request for the medical death certificate, the purchase of the coffin, the transfer of the body to a funeral home, the rental of a room or the subsequent transfer to the cemetery are just some of the procedures after a death, and, of course, the price is higher if the procedure is done directly through a funeral home instead of having a contracted Funeral insurance.
These procedures become even heavier if the death occurred at the relative's home, since it will involve a greater number of procedures, from calling 112 to request that a doctor visit the home, to registering the death in the Civil Registry within 24 hours after death.
In such a complicated moment, it is appreciated that an insurer gives us the necessary coverage; to take care of all the details and offer us the necessary support and attention before any doubt so that we can focus on what is truly important.
Literal death certificate
Another of the procedures to be carried out after death is the request for the literal death certificate, which It serves to officially certify the death of a person. For your request we will need the medical certificate of death issued by the doctor. And what is it for? This document is essential to obtain the certificate of acts of last will and, in this way, to be able to initiate the succession.
The request may be made in person or electronically., at the Electronic Office of the Ministry of Justice. To do it in person, in addition to the DNI, we must provide the name and surname of the deceased, the date and place of death, and indicate the type of certificate that we request from the three that exist: the literal, which is the most common, and contains the full details of the death; and the extract, which contains a summary of said data. In addition, within the latter there are three subtypes: ordinary, international or multilingual, and bilingual.
Certificate of Acts of Last Will
When wondering what to do when a family member dies, the first thing we think of is succession. Indeed, through this document it is proven whether the deceased person has died granting a will or not, and will be necessary for the processing of the inheritance.
It must be requested after 15 business days from the date of death, and the request can be made digitally (through the Electronic Office of the Ministry of Justice), in person or by post, using the official forms that the Territorial Management Offices of the Ministry of Justice make available to citizens.
Certificate of coverage insurance contracts for deceased
Another of the certificates that we will have to process is that of death coverage insurance contracts, which is the one in which the current contracts in which the deceased person was listed as insured and with which insurance company are accredited.
En Euroteide Insurance We are aware of the importance of having a life insurance certificate, since, on many occasions, relatives are unaware that the deceased had insurance, and this remains unpaid.
The liquidation of taxes is another of the procedures to be carried out after the death of a relative. But when does this obligation arise? How can we carry it out? In Spain there is the Tax on Inheritance and Donations, which It taxes the acquisition of assets and rights by inheritance, legacy or any other inheritance title. We must bear in mind that this tax varies depending on the Autonomous Community in which we are located, so tax advice will be required. In the Canary Islands, the self-assessment is done through model 650 that we can obtain at the electronic headquarters of the Government of the Canary Islands.
In addition, in the event that the inheritance includes real estate, we will have to pay the corresponding municipal capital gains.
What guarantees does hiring insurance entail?
The life insurance contract offers various guarantees against death, permanent or absolute disability, as well as accidents and traffic accidents, among others. Thanks to this type of insurance, our relatives will receive financial compensation with which to maintain their stability in case something happens to the insured.
Y What does Funeral Insurance cover? Includes all services and procedures related to the funeral service, in any location nationwide, as well as personalized attention through a manager, whose job will be to obtain and process all the necessary official documents. The coverage will also cover the transfer of the body, a capital with which to deal with unforeseen events that had not been taken into account when contracting the Insurance, telephone legal consultation with qualified lawyers, and telephone medical advice.
As we can see, there are so many procedures after the death of a family member, as well as expenses and coverage, and so many advantages of being insured, that the most advisable thing is always to have a trusted advice that makes our lives easier, and resolve all the doubts that may arise along the way. In this way, hiring Funeral Insurance, Life Insurance, or both, is one of the best options when it comes to protecting your loved ones, so it is worth putting yourself in the hands of experts so as not to make mistakes.
En Euroteide Insurance We have the necessary experience to provide broad coverage to our clients, advising them on any aspect, whether they are self-employed or entrepreneurs.
If you want specialist advice, you can contact us here.