Did you know that 3% of accidents are caused by pets traveling in cars?
This information is provided by the DGT, always concerned about safety and pets, we give you a series of tips to protect your pet.
- Never loose: To begin, we remind you that the fine for having pets loose in the back seat can be around € 90. Not only that, but also, an animal loose inside a vehicle can distract behind the wheel and cause a serious accident. It may seem fun to see a dog with its head out of the window but it is extremely dangerous, for you, for him and for other drivers.
- In the trunk: If possible, your pet should go in the trunk, unless it is a cat, in which case it can go in a carrier, and always on the floor of the vehicle, better than in the seats.
- Before travelling: and don't forget to take care of your pet before travelling: take it out to do its needs before getting into the car, and if it is nervous, consult your vet. He or she can give you medication to help the animal travel in peace.
All precautions are few when driving, but we want your dog or cat to be completely safe.