The figure of the cyclists on the road It is one of the most complex. Because, frequently, neither the athletes themselves nor the rest of the drivers know exactly what behaviors they should put into practice, and this implies a risk. Whether you are a cyclist or a driver, the first thing we advise you is that before getting on your bicycle and vehicle you have the corresponding insurance, it is advisable to have an additional accident insurance to protect you.
If you don't know which one is the most suitable for you, in Euroteide Insurance (Insurance Advisors) we are here to help you. We are a specialist in Insurance for all types of touring bicycles.
Once well protected, it is time to respect traffic regulations as much as possible to safeguard your safety and that of the rest. Let's see what is the regulation that affects bicycles.
Take a proper bike
Although the regulations do not say anything about it, it is highly recommended that road cyclists use a road bike. Only this model is designed to offer optimum performance on paved terrain.
These types of bikes are lighter and more aerodynamic, making them faster. They have thin and smooth tires that reduce resistance, make progress faster and have a gear system that allows easy adaptation to road conditions, allowing the level of effort of the cyclist to be adjusted.
Road bikes allow faster and safer progress when traveling on a road that is also used by other vehicles, which is why it is the most suitable model.
Always drive to the right
Spanish legislation, like that of many countries, determines that cyclists have to ride on the right, in the same sense as motor vehicles. This is a standard that is based on several fundamental principles of road safety and that seeks the maximum possible flow of traffic.
When driving on the right, and in the same direction as other vehicles, for the drivers of these it is easier to maneuver to avoid them, since it facilitates the forecast of their movements.
On the other hand, cyclists are more easily visible for drivers if they are on their right side, which helps to avoid accidents. Ultimately, road cyclists ride on the right prevents these from hindering the normal flow of traffic.
Ride on the shoulder (if possible)
To the extent that there is a shoulder, cyclists must travel along it. This gives them a extra protection because it keeps them away from the road on which motor vehicles are circulating.
On those roads that do not have a hard shoulder, or in which it is insufficient, the cyclist must Go as close as possible to the side of the road.
As exceptions, the cyclist can also ride on the road in the following cases:
- If the shoulder is impassable. For example, if it is under construction or there is an obstacle in it.
- If an imminent danger is to be avoided located on the verge.
- For a left turn or pass another vehicle that it is slowing down or that it is stopped.
Respecting this rule is especially important for safety reasons. In fact, occupying the road when you can ride on the shoulder with your bike is penalized with a 200-euro fine.
Circulate in a row or parallel
Although many drivers don't know it, cyclists are allowed to parallel the road, but only in column of two, and getting as close as possible to the right end of the road.
In the case of sections without visibility athletes have to line up (go one by one). And they must also do it if their presence or any other circumstance is giving rise to traffic jams.
The regulations allow driving in parallel because it improves safety. Besides, two cyclists side by side are more visible than two cyclists in a row. This happens because this is how they can be seen as if they were just another vehicle.
Priority at roundabouts
Road cyclists must respect all traffic regulations. Therefore, they will not enter a roundabout if the conditions for it are not met. Of course, when riding in a peloton, if one of the cyclists has already entered the roundabout, the rest of your companions have priority to access it when traveling in a group. And the same goes for crosses. Other vehicles have to slow down and even stop if necessary.
The purpose of this measure is try to prevent the peloton from breaking and the risk for cyclists and drivers increases.
Equipment and signage
The cyclist should make himself as visible as possible to vehicles. Hence, cycling clothing is brightly colored. But there are circumstances in which this may not be enough.
if it circulates at night or in poor visibility conditions (at dawn, if it rains or is foggy), you must use more lights and reflectors. In addition, cyclists have to signal your turns and your braking to warn other road users about what their most immediate action will be.
Age limit
Although cyclists who ride on the road are usually adults, adolescents can also be present on the road and are obliged to respect the same rules established for the rest. The age from which you can ride a bicycle on the road is 14 years.
Road safety is a shared responsibility, and by complying with traffic laws we are contributing to everyone's safety. The cyclists on the road are especially vulnerable, which makes it necessary that both they and the rest of the drivers take extreme precautions and follow the regulations to the letter.
Being cautious and having good insurance will make your experience with your two or four-wheeled vehicle always satisfactory.
If you need Bicycle Insurance and its complementary Accident Insurance that fits your needs and your budget, in Euroteide Insurance (Insurance Brokers and Consultants) we will help you find it.