The end will come for everyone one day and in order to be prepared and to be able to offer security to your loved ones, the best thing to do is to have an advisor who cares about your interests. If you are one of those who cares about your loved ones, even when you can no longer be there, the best solution is to have a funeral insurance policy.
At Euroteide Insurance, you can find the best Funeral insurance for your peace of mind. If you don't know what funeral insurance covers or the funeral insurance coverage you can count on, in this article we are going to give you a detailed description of everything you can expect from it and, therefore, understand why it is so interesting to take it out.
Understanding Funeral Insurance
A funeral insurance is one that is responsible for covering all material needs and offering all the emotional support to your loved ones, when the sad moment comes when you are no longer there.
In this case, we are dealing with an Insurance that provides safety and tranquility of your family, so that you can leave in peace and with the peace of mind that your interests have been covered. As with the vast majority of insurance policies, a funeral insurance policy is known for the cover it provides.
There are a large number of coverages that we can find depending on the company, although, as a general rule, there are always some basic ones that are usually common in all areas.
Basic coverage
First of all, one of the most basic coverages is the one that takes care of the funeral expenses. The popular saying, "nowhere to drop dead" refers to how expensive a person's funeral can be.
From the purchase of the coffin, to the transfer of the body or burial, these costs are quite high and can disrupt a family's finances.
In the absence of a funeral insurance policy, these costs are borne by the family, who are responsible for finding and paying for a place where the relative can be laid to rest. Depending on the type of cover, it may cover everything from burial to cremation, with all the expenses that this entails.
On the other hand, a fairly important aspect is to be able to choose the preferred cemetery in Spain. Although this may not seem relevant, it is important to point out that in Spain there are quite expensive taxes, which are levied on the passage of the body through the different autonomous communities.
For this reason, some people who do not have this Funeral Insurance cannot bury their loved ones where they would like to because they cannot afford these expenses.
Another of the most common types of coverage is that which covers the processing costs of all documents. When it comes to making inheritances, changing the ownership of the deceased, or cancelling the deceased's registration with the different bodies, a funeral insurance policy helps a lot, not only financially, but also legally, making the task much easier.
Psychological and emotional support
Funeral insurance may have coverages that offer psychological care for family members. In these difficult times, having the help of good professionals can improve the mood of the family, as much as possible.
On the other hand, a death insurance does not have to be designed only for the death of the policyholder, but can also be applied while the policyholder is still alive. These cases occur, when the person is disabled and needs a dependency, so the insurance can offer this dependency in some of its coverages, as well as cover the expenses derived from the adaptation of the home in the event that it is necessary due to the condition of the policyholder.
Another optional coverage that may be interesting depending on the situation, is to have a 24-hour telephone service, to deal with any problems that may occur.
In addition, there are further derivative coverages that can allow for a second medical opinion, the transfer of a family member to accompany the insured during his last hours of life or one of the most modern and that currently more people are contracting, that of preservation of the DNA of the deceased.
In short, as can be seen with all the coverages that we have at our disposal in a funeral insurance, it is possible to customize this to each of the needs of the person. This Insurance is especially interesting if we take into account all the expenses involved in all the previous cases.
On the other hand, having the help of professionals in these difficult times, will make the procedures much easier and therefore everything will be much more bearable.
Finally, to have the guarantee that the Insurance is up to the circumstances and that we are really going to be able to rest assured that our family is in good hands once we are no longer there, it is important to have a company of quality.
(You may also be interested in contracting Life Insurance as a complement to the Funeral Insurance policy, Here you have more information about Life Insurance.)
Euroteide Insurance has the experience and seriousness necessary to be able to take the Funeral Insurance you choose to a successful conclusion. If you are concerned about the tranquility and well-being of your family, a Funeral Insurance is something that you should not overlook.
Do you want more information about this type of insurance? Here you can contact us.