The compensation that victims of traffic accidents receive is an unclaimed right in many cases. The desolation that surrounds a person who has suffered a road accident, the fact of focusing all efforts on recovery or the belief that the process is long and expensive causes many people to renounce this right.
The person who can establish the claim is the one who has not been guilty of the accident or any of the companions who traveled both in the vehicle that caused the accident and in the one that was the victim of the accident. In the event that there were fatalities in the accident, compensation would pass to the victim's next of kin. Those responsible for paying the compensation are the insurance companies of the vehicle considered guilty of the accident, but if it lacks insurance or has fled after the accident, it is the responsibility of the Insurance Compensation Consortium.
In any case, not all injuries are compensable and their amount varies depending on their severity. The first thing to do is find out if we are entitled to a compensatory amount. If so, there are two ways to request your subscription.
One of them is extrajudicial, which implies that it is not necessary to go to trial, or judicial. The victim is made an offer and the victim must decide whether to accept or reject it. If an amicable agreement is not reached, you can resort to the judicial route, for which you must file a civil lawsuit or a complaint, which will include the evaluation of a forensic doctor. The deadline for filing a complaint is six months, while the victim has one year to file a civil lawsuit.