When we think about taking out Insurance, whatever the type, we often don't know if to contract it through an Insurance consultancy or directly with an insurance company or with banks where we have our current or savings account and are constantly pressured to sign up through them.
For this reason, it is essential to differentiate where and for what we are going to opt, not only when taking out an insurance policy, but also when we make use of our insurance policy.
There are numerous advantages that the Insurance Consultants have compared to other insurance companies or insurance banks. That is why it is not surprising that many choose to contract the services of an Insurance Advisory as opposed to contracting the policy directly with the Insurance company, or the bank.
Are you looking for a good Insurance Consultancy in Tenerife?
We are Euroteide Insurance, an Insurance Advisory that operates mainly in the south of Tenerife with have more than 24 years of experience in the Insurance sector.
Professionalism, reliability and commitment are our hallmarks; in addition to our vast experience in advising on the best insurance for each type of client, whether they are individuals, companies or self-employed.
Insurance Advisors think of you
An Insurance Advisory is made up of a team of experts in the Insurance sector that act as intermediaries between the client and the insurance companies to obtain the best insurance policy at the best price according to the client's coverage needs.
However, it is possible to take out an insurance policy directly with the insurance company that markets them through its insurance agents. However, in this case, the client can only choose between those products and Insurance offered by the Insurance company, since the Insurance agents are linked through an exclusive agency contract with the insurance company, so the attention is not so personalized.
Without a doubt, the Insurance Advisory is the best option if the client wants to take out an Insurance that fully adapts to their needs and their budget, so the best option is to have the services of an Insurance consultancy.
Insurance Advisors think about the client and their needs, looking for the best Insurance for each client and at the best price. Thus, Insurance Consultants make an extensive analysis of the policies on the market, taking into account the specific characteristics of the client and their needs and, based on these factors, they recommend the best ones to the client.
In any case, ultimately it will be the client who chooses which Insurance to contract.
Differences between Insurance Consultancy and Insurance Banking
As is evident, in addition to the Insurance Advisors and insurance companies, there are many other ways to subscribe to all types of Insurance.
This is the case of the Insurance bank, another way to contract Insurance policies.
Insurance banking is made up of credit institutions and commercial companies —which, in addition to being managed by individuals, may be owned or managed by credit institutions - which act as independent brokers in the underwriting of insurance policies.
How is insurance banking different from insurance consulting? Let's see the differences between both ways of contracting Insurance:
- While the consultancies are dedicated exclusively to the commercialization of Insurance, banks and credit institutions offer a wide variety of products, among which, in addition to Insurance, there are also current accounts, credit cards or the granting of loans or mortgages, among many others, including the sale of mobile telephones, cars, etc.
- The attention in the Insurance Consultancies is completely personalized, attending to the specific needs of each client only in matters of Insurance and financial products of savings and investment. For his part, credit institutions do not offer this personalized attention and do not focus on the customer, but its main objective is the profit that the commercialization of the Insurance can generate. Apart from the notable differences in prices that can sometimes be up to 50% higher, thus expensive. In addition, most of the time their policies have inferior coverage.
- In the Insurance Consultancies, in addition to offering the client the best possible Insurance, they will defend the Insured against Insurance companies, processing and assisting in the management of claims and other problems that may arise to the Insured client. However, this is not so in the case of Insurance banking, where it is the client who has to manage by himself any incident that directly affects him with the Insurance company. Always dealing with different employees who are part of the one that is being claimed. Many times with a special telephone number 902 and queues for calls at their call centers.
- The customer service hours are longer in the Insurance Consultancies, so that the client can go to the consultancy in the morning and in the afternoon. However, banks are only open in the mornings, so the customer will only be able to resolve queries and incidents in the morning. Most likely, they will give you the number of the insurance company and they will be able to get it sorted out.
- Having a less complex structure than credit institutions, the procedures with the Insurance Consultancies are much easier. Thus, it is normal that in a bank or credit institution it is necessary to go through many employees to solve any management, while in Insurance Consultants the management is simpler as they have fewer employees. Warm and direct.
- The services of Insurance Consultants are not usually more expensive, many times they are even cheaper and all with the most complete service they offer.
Other insurance contracting channels
In addition to the Insurance Consultancies, there are other insurance contracting channels. They are:
- Insurance Agents: People who are exclusively linked to a specific insurer through an agency contract are self-employed professionals.
- Insurance Banking: credit institution or commercial company that sells insurance.
- Online Insurance Comparators: On the market there are many Insurance comparators who can recommend Insurance through the Internet based on certain parameters that the insured will have to provide.
When taking out an Insurance, it is best to trust the good work of an Insurance Advisory: great professionals with years of experience well prepared and updated with all the news in the world of Insurance in terms of the policies of the different latent risks in the different companies, with experience, in continuous training; or what is the same, reliability when it comes to suggesting coverage, adequate policies and companies.
At Euroteide Insurance we are professionals prepared and trained to help you not only choose the best insurance but also provide comprehensive treatment when you have a claim, managing it with the insurance company and defending your interests as you deserve. We are trained and prepared for you.