En Euroteide Insurance We receive frequent inquiries from drivers requesting information about their right to a replacement car in case of breakdown or accident.
Unfortunately, the truth is that there are not many cases in which the insured is entitled to receive this benefit from the manufacturer or the insurer. As is often the case, to save a few tens of euros a year, this essential coverage is not included in the Insurance conditions.
But still, there are certain cases where the driver can demand that replacement vehicle. So we are going to explain when we have the right to claim this benefit from the manufacturer, our insurer or that of a vehicle that has caused an accident, disabling our car:
Replacement car in case of accident with fault
The accident with fault is the most unfavorable case when it comes to getting a courtesy vehicle that avoids the inconvenience of spending days, weeks and even months without a car.
If we are insured only car insurance or our Insurance is very basic, the most common is that there is no place for the right to a replacement car. En All risk insurance o Extended insurance Yes, that additional coverage may be included.
However, the expected circumstances are highly variable depending on the company. insurer and the type of policy. Therefore, if the case arises, we will have to carefully examine the conditions of our policy or, better yet, entrust this task to an experienced mediator, as is the case with Euroteide Insurance.
Replacement car in case of accident without fault
On the other hand, in the event that we have suffered an accident without fault, we have the upper hand. Although the truth is that, if we do not have contracted replacement coverage with our own Insurance, the opposing insurer will never spontaneously offer us a replacement car while ours is being repaired.
But the legislation is clear and exhaustive in this sense: We must be compensated for absolutely all the damages caused in an accident without fault. This obviously includes the damages derived from the impossibility of using our vehicle.
Therefore, any lawyer will confirm that we have every right to request the company that insures the person who caused the accident to provide us with a replacement vehicle. In any case, if we do it this way, the most normal thing will be that they deny us the benefit.
So the only way out left for us is, once duly documented, that the opposing company has refused to provide the replacement car, rent a car of the same segment as ours and subsequently claim the corresponding cost of the rental.
By amicable means we will hardly achieve it, but by means of a judicial claim we will always have the case won.
Replacement car due to breakdown
Breakdowns do not give the owner the right to a replacement car, even when the maintenance indicated by the manufacturer has been carried out to the letter.
So, in these cases, obtaining a replacement vehicle is at the sole risk and expense of the owner of the damaged car.
Am I entitled to a replacement car due to breakdown under warranty?
However, when the breakdown occurs in a car under warranty, things change: the owner of the vehicle has the right to a replacement car if the repair period for a vehicle under warranty extends beyond 20 business days.
The breakdown must have been caused by a manufacturing defect and does not include those that may result from knocks, improper use or when the corresponding maintenance has not been carried out.
In the event that the repair exceeds the indicated period and the manufacturer has not provided a replacement vehicle to the affected party, he has the right to claim from the house the amount corresponding to the rental of a similar vehicle during the repair period.
To do this, you must prove said rent by means of the corresponding invoices.
The cars of renting: a special case
A separate case are the vehicles enjoyed under the renting:
In the renting of companies, the right to a replacement vehicle is usually included by hand. And in the renting of individuals it is an option to include in the contract by whom will enjoy the use of the financed car.
Alternatives to ensure the right to a replacement car
Let's see what alternatives we have to secure a replacement car when we cannot afford to be without a vehicle. All of them involve an additional cost, although it will always be much lower than renting a car for one or several weeks:
- Find workshops with replacement cars
Competition is fierce in the repair industry, and in big cities it's getting easier to find garages that offer replacement vehicle service.
We will not drive cars as new as those offered by car rental companies, but they are cars in good condition and at an affordable price that will get us out of trouble.
- Vehicle maintenance contract
In car maintenance contracts concluded with manufacturers or dealers, the right to a replacement vehicle is usually included, provided that the operation cannot be performed on the same day.
The truth is that these maintenance contracts are frequently linked to an extension of the warranty period, so their cost is not as advantageous as that of the service covered by insurers.
- Hire specific coverage with the vehicle insurer
This is the most affordable option: its additional cost will not cause the premium of the Car insurance.
However, not all companies have specific coverage for courtesy vehicles, so taking advantage of it It may mean that we have to change insurers.
In this sense, do not forget that in Euroteide Insurance We have insurance brokers specialized in the automobile industry. They will tell you which is the most convenient option so that you have the right to a replacement car and they will analyse, without any commitment, if your current policy includes this benefit.
You should speak to your Insurance Agent or Broker or formally write to the company. In any case, take this matter through legal channels with a lawyer.
I have taken my car to the shop 4 times due to engine failure in the dashboard (due to combustion) first they changed the landa probe then the internal flow and now they are going for the catalyst which has already been in the shop for more than 9 days and I needed to know If I can replace that car since I am tired of the same fault which does not seem to go away and it has only been 8 months since I bought it from an agency (new)
Good morning Henry.
Thank you for your message. You must examine your policy, the general conditions, go to your insurance agent or broker or directly to the company and have them clarify it for you based on what you have contracted in your policy.